Training For Banking Jobs
Guide to Training for Banking Jobs
Advance in your career with training for banking jobs
By Linda C. Ray

Employment in banking is a winning proposition if you come to the banking employment table with the right credentials. While entry-level banking jobs are prolific, the better paying jobs in banking require financial knowledge that only comes from training and experience. To pursue a career in the banking industry you should accumulate as many certificates and degrees as you can. Banking industry jobs will continue to flourish for those who bring a multitude of skills to the job.

Look for banking job listings through online banking job boards and through contacts and connections you can make in the industry. Banking recruiters can be helpful for those who already enjoy plentiful job opportunities in banking. Use all the tools available to you to find the best careers in banking. There are a number of avenues you should pursue as you continually upgrade your training for banking jobs.

1. Peruse online banking job boards

2. Find job openings in banking through trade groups

3. Enlist the help of banking recruiters

Action Steps
The best contacts and resources to help you get it done

Watch for bank job listings online
Take the time to regularly watch the banking employment sites as you look for opportunities online to advance your career in the banking industry. You'll find a number of online financial training programs that will be most helpful in your search for employment in banking. Check out the requirements and look for training to make you more suitable for the position you seek.

I recommend: Banker’s Academy has been serving the industry for more than 20 years with relevant course material that will assist you in your search for jobs in banking. The Training and Certification Center offers a number of banking educational courses online.

Look for banking jobs through associations
While you are pursuing a career in the banking industry you should also be accruing a list of connections that will help you throughout your career. Trade associations are great places to get involved with more senior level bankers and make those important contacts. At the same time, most associations offer a wide variety of professional development courses that will look good on your resume.

I recommend: The American Bankers Association is one of the largest groups that supports the industry and offers multiple opportunities to advance through their professional development arm. The Consumer Bankers Association offers a number of training courses aimed at small business banking management issues.

Use business compensation trade groups for banking employment training
You can get a banking certificate or a professional degree through a number of online universities and other training programs. While most companies will want to see at least a Bachelor's degree, any other certificates you can acquire will aid in your job search. Additional training after you've earned a degree will help as you advance in your career in career in the banking industry.

I recommend: Quest offers a number of online certificates and training programs to help you succeed in the banking industry. Check out some of the self-paced Internet bank training programs offered by BVS.

Tips & Tactics

Helpful advice for making the most of this Guide
Make sure that your resume is top notch and error-free when you're looking for banking careers. Get someone with experience in banking industry jobs to go over your CV to see if you've got the right targets highlighted.

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