Simply Hired - Banking Jobs in Washington
Simply Hired
Job Search Made Simple

About Us

Building a good search engine is sort of like writing a good haiku. Coming up with one that works well may require repeated and thoughtful effort. But crafted properly, the result can be incredibly simple and effective, even enjoyable.

Simply Hired is a vertical search engine company based in Silicon Valley, and we're building the largest online database of jobs on the planet. Our goal is to make finding your next job a simple yet effective, enjoyable journey. We can't always promise you'll discover your dream job, but we'll give you the best chance possible to get a bigger paycheck, a more considerate boss, or a shorter commute.

Simply Hired is powered by people who want to make things better. We want to create cool products, but not at the expense of the individuals who use them. That means building solutions that make sense to your mom, your uncle, your teenager, and even your dog. (OK, maybe not your dog.)

But along with simplicity, we'll make it possible for you to see every opportunity out there. If your cousin is looking for a part-time job working the evening shift at a pickle factory 300 miles west of Texas, we'll help you locate that one-in-a-million job waiting for her in Albuquerque. Our tools will turn everyone into an expert at finding the needle in their own personal haystack.

We believe doing something challenging and important doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride. Our founders are smart, experienced entrepreneurs who've created several successful startups, but they enjoy a good laugh as much as anyone. If you see a slightly unusual error message or description on our site, it's because we figure you might as well smile while you're spending time with us. Fun and creativity aren't just tolerated here, they're actively cultivated and encouraged -- and we hope you'll have fun too.

We're just getting started, and we have lots more to show you in the weeks and months ahead. But our most amazing inventions will only happen if you help us create them - open communication with our users (and developers) is at the top of our list. So tell us when we screw up, and tell us when we rock the house. Give us your feedback and your ideas, and in return we'll listen, and we'll deliver. Now let's get started...

The Simply Hired Team

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